Author: Rusty

Golden Retriever Puppy Training

Dog park action with Nola and Hobbes

While all puppies require training, Golden Retrievers are among the easiest. Golden Retriever puppy training is not difficult, but it is very important to start early. While your Goldens fondest dream is to please you, he needs to know what…

Nola Goes to Bow Wow Beach

Nola Goes To Bow Wow Beach

Bow Wow Beach is a Tremendous Dog Beach Nola always enjoys her visit to Bow Wow Beach. If you haven’t been there, it is a priority destination for you and your pup. There are usually 30 – 50 well behaved…

Review of Training Collars

training collar

Tone Collars, Vibrating Dog Collars, and Shock Collars Review I’m keeping this review of training collars rather short and to the point. Many reviews have a number of choices but I’ve held this to only one because this training collar…

A Review of Dog Collars

Golden Retriever Nola wrestling a Doodle

Review of Dog Collars In this review I’m going to look at the types of dog collars rather than individual brands here. There are a number of brands that I have had a good experience with, and I have seen…

Nola at the Dog Park

dog park in Riverbend park Hancock Co., Ohio

Nola’s experience at Riverbend dog park. Enjoying the dog park, Nola is going on 15 months old. She’s still a puppy with a huge amount of energy. Her she is playing with her pals at the dog park at Riverbend…

Do Dogs Know Their Name

do dogs know their name

Do Dogs Know Their Name? The question is “Do dogs know their name”? The answer is… yes, if you teach them. One of the first things you should do with a new puppy is to be sure they know their…

Bully Sticks For Dogs

What are bully sticks you ask? I first heard of bully sticks when I read Cesar Milan’s Book “How to Raise the Perfect Dog: Through Puppyhood and Beyond“. A very helpful training guide that really can’t be beat, especially for…