Dog Shower Attachments for Bathtubs

Nola loves to swim and uses her doggie shower regularly

Puppy bathing made easy. Save time, money and water when you wash your doggo at home with these innovative dog shower attachments for bathtub faucets.

My dog loves to swim, so I need to have a bathing system available for when she jumps into dirty water or heaven forbid, mud. I like to give her swimming privileges whenever it’s convenient. She’s a Golden Retriever, so she’s a cold weather dog with the insulation she has in her undercoat. When it’s hot out, she heads for the nearest water and will probably need a bath when I get her home.

Doggy odor is usually caused by a build-up of oil and bacteria on your dog’s coat. A good wash will eliminate this problem. Usually, it is recommended to bathe your pup once a month. My problem is that I walk my dog off leash in the woods nearly every day, so she needs more baths than that. If she isn’t really dirty, I’ll just spray her down to avoid skin problems, etc.

You can set these attachments up so that you are reasonably comfortable working with your pup in the tub, or wherever you decide to install your dog washing system. My back thanks me every day that I use mine.

Don’t forget to brush your dog regularly as well. Sometimes a good brushing will replace a shower or bath and it’s really good for their coat.

If you use a nice moisturizing dog shampoo it will help keep your dog’s coat nice and soft. Many dog owners will also use coconut oil or a natural conditioner after shampoo. That will help maintain the moisture in their fur. The more often you bathe your dog, the less they are going to shed.

Aquapaw Dog Bath Sprayer and Scrubber Attachment
Aquapaw Dog Bath Sprayer and Scrubber Tool

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Klleyna Shower Head Sink-Faucet Hose Sprayer Attachment

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MTSLYH Dog Shower Attachment

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REEGE Dog Shower Sprayer Attachment Set

Rinseroo: Slip-on Dog Wash Attachment
Rinseroo: Slip-on Dog Wash Attachment

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