A Great Guide On How Do I Train My Dog

How Do I Train My Dog

How Do I Train My DogA cute little puppy will steal a person’s heart. If you are a new pet owner or are considering adopting a new family member, you’re in for a real good time! Since a well trained pet is key to a successful relationship, you’ll need to allocate lots of time to spend with your pet so they’ll be on their best behavior all of the time. Read the guide below in order to get helpful tips on how to have a good pet/owner relationship.


Make sure that your dog stays in a relaxed area. Playtime is great but sometimes it is just not appropriate. To help your dog learn this behavior, ignore him when you enter the room. after you have been in there a few minutes, acknowledge him.

TIP! Regulate your dog’s feeding time if you want to regulate his “potty” times too. Feed your dog a high-quality diet three times a day.

Have verbal cues so that your pet will know exactly when they complete a command correctly. Using a positive word such as “yes” will fill the time between the performance of the desired behavior and the delivery of the reward. Even better is a phrase like “good girl”, or “good boy”. You’ll find that having a command with more that one syllable will be heard more often.

Keep your voice firm and level when delivering commands to your dog. The tone should be firm, so your dog understands that you are issuing a command, not a suggestion. Doing this also ensures that your dog will know the difference between your “you’re in trouble” voice and your “do as I say” voice.

When training your dog, remember to be patient. You will not get frustrated or mad and neither will your pet. Understand that your dog actually wants to please you, however he/she can be confused with what it is you want them to do.

TIP! Make sure training periods are short in duration. Since dogs do not have a long attention span, short lessons will prevent them from getting bored.

Set small, easy goals when you start training your dog. Not only does this give you a feeling of satisfaction in your success, but your dog also learns about what an acceptable behavior is. In doing so, you will see more consistent and positive results.

You need to teach your puppy how to leave an item alone with a simple command such as “leave it.” This command teaches them to cease chewing on furniture or items around the house and it keeps them safe from filthy or hazardous items outside.

If your canine jumps on top of you, gently grab their paws and squeeze them; this will tell them that they cannot jump. If done lightly, it won’t hurt the dog, but it’ll make them uncomfortable. They should learn to stop jumping because they don’t like the reaction they get.

TIP! Be consistent when training your dog. If more than one family member is training your pet, make sure they all you the same commands, rewards and discipline.

Make sure you’re aware of any other dogs in the area when walking your dog. Certain dogs have an aggressive streak – don’t be under the assumption that the owner has taken the time to train them. If you see an antisocial or aggressive dog, avoid having your dog be near it.

Remember, each action you perform around your dog affects who he is. You might be reinforcing bad behaviors without even realizing it, for instance by playing with your dog or by acknowledging its barking. Mold your dog into the pet you want by constantly working towards the behavior you desire.

One of the most important things in training is teaching your dog to come back to you. Your dog has to learn to come to you, regardless of the situation. This critical behavior should be built up in steps so that your dog winds up obeying, regardless of the distractions around. Your dog’s life may depend on recall some day, so do not skip this training, although it may be challenging to teach.

Hopefully, you have gained some information that will aid you in having a better relationship with your pet. Use the information you find here in relation to your circumstances. You love your dog, but it certainly helps to have a well-behaved pet. Training is the best way to reach success. Your pet will love you for the hard work you put in. Welcome the the wonderful world of pet ownership.

For a comprehensive guide on training your dog, we recommend Cesar Millan’s “How to Raise the Perfect Dog: Through Puppyhood and Beyond”. This can save you lot’s of time and money in the long run. Starting with a comprehensive approach will greatly improve your experience with your puppy.

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