Can my dog catch the Corona virus?

We take our pups health very seriously. The Corona virus is a new disease that we know very little about. We’re behind the curve but we’re starting to catch up. While there was one situation where a dog apparently got the virus in Hong Kong, this was the only instance and it was most likely misinterpreted. Bottom line, even though we’re not 100% sure at this point, we can say with some assurance that dogs will not catch the virus.
Can humans catch the Corona virus from dogs?
If you’re infected, you can transfer the virus to your dog’s fur if you are near them. Other people may be exposed to the virus if they pet a dog that’s been touched by someone affected by the virus. However, this is not a common way for the virus to spread. You need to wash your hands thoroughly before and after petting any dogs. Especially, try to not pet dogs if you don’t know them.

We visit the local dog park quite often so our socialized pup can enjoy the dog friends she has made and the people friends as well. We just made the decision to not go there again until this is well under control. We’ll miss the folks we spent the last couple of years hanging out with, but it’s necessary to avoid the spread of the disease. While we were all practicing social distancing in my last encounter a couple of days ago, all the folks were petting all of the dogs. It’s expected by the dogs. The problem is if someone who is contagious pets a dog, the virus is then on the dog and if someone else pets him before he is disinfected… well, you can see the problem.
What to do if someones pets my pooch
Some people have trouble adhering to the protocols, especially at the beginning of this difficult time. They feel a total need to pet your dog anyway. Here are a couple of good pet disinfectants if you need to stock up.
Is it safe to go to the veterinarian
You need to call your vet first. Our vet is open and accepting dogs but you have to make an appointment over the phone. You’ll meet one of the workers in the parking lot and they will escort you and your dog inside the facility. They are only allowing one dog at a time and one human with him.
If you are infected or have symptoms, call them for instructions as to how to proceed. Be sure and tell them about your symptoms.
Do we need to stock up on dog food, medications, and supplies
Since you could be quarantined for 2 weeks, you should have enough supplies for that and a buffer. I have purchased supplies for a month so we have plenty of room in case things don’t work out that quickly. Don’t forget that supplies may be low due to other dog owners doing the same thing. Again, call your vet for instructions to purchase your meds from him.