Dog Face Masks Will Make Safety Fun

Nola trying to wear facemask

I like dogs. It seemed to me that dog face masks and face masks showing their breeds would be a great thing to have. We’re going to be wearing face masks for a while. We might as well find something that is fun, or makes a statement, or is just good styling.

CDC’s Recommendations

The CDC has been recommending that people wear masks when going out in public for weeks. Governor Andrew Cuomo issued an order that New Yorker’s have to wear masks in public places where social distancing six feet is not possible. Similar orders have been issued in New Jersey and Puerto Rico. Wearing a face mask as a citizen makes perfect sense. For the foreseeable future, we’ll be wearing masks to the grocery store, on walks and runs, and maybe even after the crisis abates. Once they become fashion, it will be a normal part of the culture.

When a Cultural Shift Occurs

we need to be on top of it. This is going to go on for another year at least, and I wouldn’t be surprised if it took all of 2021. Wearing a mask is like other clothing, and we need a different washable mask every day. Styles that cause double takes in passers by are really fun.

Face masks about dogs are very cool

So… I did some research and I found a whole bunch of face masks that are designed for dog lovers. In fact, I’ve got more than I can handle in one post, so I’m including some links to other posts that are focusing on more detail. Here are a few fun ones.

provide your look with a handsome nosedog face mask

This first face mask is always good for a smile. You can look at the world from a dog’s perspective.

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This face mask can be used many ways

dog face mask

Then we have one that can be worn as a bandana and dropped to your neck when not needed, or even worn as a hair ornament for the ladies.

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