Nola Enjoys Water Anywhere She Can find It.

My pup Nola enjoys water anywhere period. Any time we’re out walking she will head for the nearest pool, river, ditch, puddle or creek.

I checked to see if anyone was around and took Nola off leash so that so could splash around a bit in the ditch beside the bike path in Findlay, OH. This ditch filled with water after rains and Nola took advantage of the situation.

If the Blanchard river had come out of it’s banks to fill this ditch with water, I would have kept here out of it. When we get a heavy rain the sewers overflow into the river causing a situation where the water has a lot of sewage in it. This was clean rain water so I let her have her fun.

Dogs have a way of enjoying nature at a level that we can’t emulate but we sure can appreciate.

If you want to teach your dog to swim, you might find some information at the AKC website.

Nola enjoys the Marymoor dog park

Nola Enjoys Water Anywhere. Marymoor dog park in Redmond, WA
Here are some photos of Nola swimming in the Sammamish River at the Marymoor Dog Park in Redmond, Washington. If you’re in the area and have your pup with you I highly recommend stopping for a couple of hours. It’s 40 acres of trails with the river on one side. A wonderful dog park where you and your pup can easily while away an afternoon.
Nola swimming in Marymoor Dog Park
Nola swimming in Marymoor Dog Park
Nola swimming in Marymoor Dog Park

We posted some other pictures about Nola’s adventures. Here is one that describes our trip to Seattle and Marymoor.

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